We had 4 adoptions, I don't believe have been mentioned yet.
8/30--Prentyss and Cheerios were adopted together! Prentyss was ready but waited for Cheerios to have her spay. Prentyss will be called JuJu and Cheerios will be called Pina. They went into a home with another cat. Super nice home!
8/31--Freckles was adopted. She went into a home that has been excited to have her. She will have a dog as a friend too! Such a great kitten.
8/31--Doodle was adopted. She's going to be a very happy kitten in her new home! She's another one of the grey/white kittens. She was found in a woodpile--now she has a much better home!
We give you thanks!
Shannan W--donation to FFRC
DonnaB in GA--donation to FFRC, in honor of Coralie, Spiker and Elsie
Fran D--a donation to help with repairs or wherever is needed
Davszy--donation to FFRC, to be used where needed
I've been asked about an update on Seymour. I made a call to check on him and he is doing awesome! He has people friends and cat friends. He's allowed to be in the big room for playtime with a few friends so he doesn't get overstimulated. He's loved and his health is great!
By now most of you have heard that we had an event here Saturday morning. Many of you saw the Sheriff's here. I just want to mention that all is fine. A call was made to the Sheriff's that something was wrong at FFRC. They responded in full force to protect us. All is fine, all is over and done with and nothing really happened. But what DID happen is that our law enforcement responded quickly to protect us. We are fortunate to have these great people watching over FFRC.
Just an FYI--tomorrow is Steve's second surgery (and we hope his last). We leave in the early morning for the hospital. The doctor won't know until the surgery has started whether the infection is completely gone and if he will get another temporary antibiotic cement knee or a new replacement prosthesis. Asking for prayers and good thoughts that he gets a "real" knee. He will be home on Friday. If possible, please keep e-mails light. It's going to be a very busy week for me.
Just in case you missed it, here's some tidbits of info about Catstock! It's now only FIVE days away!
It's September 8th! Come one, come all. This is the second year that we will not be doing the carnival part of Catstock. It's a day of Food, Fun and Friendship--directed towards adults! The band is Strawberry Hill which is awesome. Lunch is at 12 noon and there's a whole lot of good food being planned, including veggie packs on the grill.
The band plays from 1:00 to 4:00. During that same time, we will have FFRC cat bingo, Giant Tic/Tac/Toe, Corn Hole, Pioneer Toys, FFRC Scavenger Hunt, Giant Yahtzee, Rock Painting, Origami Money, and Grown Up Chalk Fun on the driveway. Then at 5:15, there will be Pizza from Padrones delivered followed by a campfire with s'mores and pudgy pies! All alot of fun. Come join us--meet new friends and re-acquaint with old friends.
We had BOXES Friday. It's been a wonderful thing--lots of boxes helping us to restock, refill and give us much to be thankful for. You are so appreciated!
FFRC Cares and so do we-- 6 cases of Ice Sparkling Water for the center. 6 different flavors.We love this as the temperature has been hot!
Madisonpepper: Monthly Cat Lady Surprise Box, milk ring toys in shape of kittyace, laundry Hampurrrr, peacock feather toy, cat earrings, shiny cat scarf.
Donna F.: 2 cases of Gerber baby food, 1 beef, 1 chicken
Eric (our wonderful mod) and Carrie: 5 cases of 6" inch black plates. 5 cases equals 5,000 plates!
Kris M.: 2 (20x25) hooded lounge beds, 1 teal, 1 tan.
Mary and Randi M.: 4 cases of Gerber baby food, chicken
Sandra S.: Dachshund purse, a pair of Pilgrim figurines, Angel figurine.(for store)
Dawn N.: 10 large canisters of Party Mix snackers.
Don and Sandy: 2 large canisters of Temptations snackers, 1 large soft Pumpkin hooded bed.
Beth (Eaglewatcher): Electric rotating butterfly cat toy for Derecho.
Bob Root/Joy Poland: Lovely cat angel statue for our sweet Paddys.
GidgetheMidge: 6 cases of Beechnut baby food, chicken
Maryanne H./Susan S. (arniesmom/soonergirl): Large bag of Royal Canin
Kitten food dry, Box of Delectables.
Conii and Elliott: 1 case of Wellness pate, 2 cases of Holistic Select chicken,
2 15lb boxes of EasyClear wipes.
Anonymous: 1 giant canister of Temptations, 3 large canisters Party Mix, 2 canisters of dental snacks, 4 large canisters of Temptations, 4 cases of Fancy Feast Appetizers.
Anonymous: 960 white 6" styrofoam plates
June K.. (Painted Daisy) STUFF, LOTS AND LOTS OF STUFF
Linda (MLS): 8 packs of styrofoam plates, 2 sizes- 2560 total
Anonymous: 1 case Friskies, 1 case Weruva Health food, 2 cases of Fancy Feast Broth, 3 cases Sheba broths, 1 case of Sheba Perfect portions, 1 case of Tiki Succulent chicken, 1 case of Friskies Bits large cans.
Susan Castle: donation for FFRC
Martha C.(Tx): box tops, weight circles, a donation from Mr. Whiskers to Spiker, Chicky $5
Nancy S. (Wa): sponsorship for Ramsay, donation to FFRC
Pam J. (Ca) Hanky Grapevine: a catstock magnet
Terminator: Lovely thank you card to Jacci and Vols.
J and J (Pa): Chicky $5
Clark, Jessie and Family: Happy Birthday Card for Zavatar, Chicky $5
Sean G. : 2 cases of Nine Lives
We have two new kittens!
Myra--black/white, female. She is 8 weeks old, born 7/5/18. She was found all by her lonesome. Her name is a Name a Cat name--Myra. She came in with an URI and major load of lice. Both are under control---antibiotics and special bath/meds for the lice is all working nicely. What a sweetie--super nice. And very playful.
Boaz--another Name a Cat name. Pronounced Bo-ez. He's 12 weeks old, all black with a tiny white spot on his tummy. He arrived with a bite wound to his right side of face and was draining. This wound area was shaved and then flushed. Antibiotics for him too. He's responding nicely to this and is healing. So very playful and likes his tummy rubbed.
Have a wonderful day. Come join us for BOXES at 1:00 today!