Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Two great days are behind us now--and both were important to FFRC!

First, we had our Open House on Sunday---it was awesome, amazing and just very wonderful! Lots of people attended--sometimes it seemed we were wall to wall with visitors--just made me smile!  Everyone was able to visit all the rooms, including where we do our FFRC surgeries at.  Plus, the outside cats received a lot of pets and nice words!  The cake was delicious, lots of people enjoyed PawMart and many donations were put inside the trunk and back seat of the cat-car! The weather was perfect--a nice Fall day.

I was so so proud of the cats and kittens here. They were so well behaved and soaked up all the attention! They were exhausted that night and slept good!  We also have some of the kittens being looked at for having possible new homes--AppleJack, Chips, Matisse, Timax, Gemma, Nocoma, Tangle and Lorha. Will know more soon.

And then we had our HumaneOhio yesterday.  We sent up 48 cats. That broke down to 34 females and 14 males. We have now done 1017 cats for 2019, so far! Last year at this time, we were at 925. Our goal is still for 1200 for 2019.  We have 5 more surgery slots left for this year. 

Remember Sparkey and Friskey?  They are two cats adopted from FFRC.  They are so loved by their family. Sparkey loves to change the bed--he pulls on the sheets like he is helping. Friskey was helping his mom change the clocks this past weekend. It's so wonderful to hear how our kittens and cats are doing! 

We have thanks to give:
William M--donation for FFRC
Shannan W--donation to FFRC

Harm B--donation to FFRC
Renee C--donation to FFRC, use where needed

****And now.......PayPal.  Yes, we are temporarily, momentarily, tenttively not connected to PayPal.  They are doing a safety check.  I believe all the required paperwork they have asked of FFRC are complete now. So, we are hoping to have PayPal re-connected today.  Just be patient!  It's being worked on! 

Today is Trivia night at 4:00 (FFRC time) on the FFRC's cam chat (Youtube)!  Come join the fun. The mods have a Noodle theme trivia going on that is dedicated to our fun SonJa (another mod)!  Don't know what Trivia night is?  Then, come and see!  Questions by the mods with a theme in mind. Chatters get to answer!  It's a great way to get to know one another better too. 

FFRC is hosting a Pampered Chef online party. To receive an invite to this party, simply facebook pm Angie Koppenhofer-Lorenz).  All free products that are earned will be used in a Catathon basket in 2020. Pampered Chef makes great gifts for those hard to buy for people. All orders must be placed by November 10th at midnight.  Think Christmas too! 

Dickens has arrived!  He's the sweet, loving, playful kitten with mild CH that Billypogo and Bonnie have been fostering. He's still doing his quarantine time in the back Thumper's Room but it won't be long until he's up in the Main Area. His new name is Dune (like a sand dune, because he's beige)!  Dune loves to play ball--several at a time even. 

The S litter of kittens are doing great. They are now up and about and everywhere in the Main Area. They have made many kitty friends! 

KaKenya and Dutchess are doing good.  You've heard about KaKenya.  Her new friend is Dutchess. She is a 3 year old, dark gray and white cat. She arrived with an ear tip and already spayed. She was found in a yard and brought here. We were hoping someone would call about her, but hasn't happened. Dutchess and KaKenya are enjoying the front Thumper's Room and the Welcome Room for now. Soon, we are hoping, they will join everyone in the Main Area.  Dutchess was born 10/17/16 and she arrived on 11/1/19. Her name is from the Name a Cat name list. 

Desmond--our most frequent words are.......where is he now?!  Yes, he takes his nappies in his top 2 condos but when the rescue center is quiet, he gets to get down on the floor and join the other kitties.  He's just a bit over 1 lb now.  In his mind, he is a big tiger. This morning he actually made it up on the wheel and was making it move! And he has the most precious eyes--all innocent! 

November 9, Saturday, is our next FFRC surgery date.  Right now, we have 3 FFRC boys scheduled. They are: Soames, Timax and Fio. We also have 6 other public male cats scheduled.
Plus, we have 10 FFRC girls scheduled for their spays.
They are: Gemma, Matisse, Scampi, KaKenya, Jewel Elizabeth, Penny Lane, Chardonnay, Lena. Hope and one more that Angie L has. 

Another surgery that will be done is on Fio. We have been up front with everyone about his eyes. He had a particular nasty eye infection that has caused him to be blind and his eyes to be bulgy. Plus, his eyes are not healthy. Dr. Darcy has seen his eyes and agrees completely that he needs them removed.  They are not going to improve, they are uncomfortable to Fio and he will be more adoptable without those very very sore and inflamed "eyes".  He has actually been blind now for some time. Fio is in the main area and moves about pretty well.  I'm glad he's been able to acclimate to the main area before this surgery. He has confidence and Elsie has already talked to him about this. All will be fine with Fio. 

We also have a few physicals that need done: Dooey, Desmond, DUne, Dutchess, Asha, Camvie and Marilyn. Elsie also will receive a physical for travel and a microchip. 

Another date coming up--it's November 15--off and on all day. Lots of "things" planned. It's a FIVER FRIDAY.  All donations will help us with our Feliz Navidad Fund! 

Save Nov. 13 at noon--a great Flash Sale coming your way, by Mich and Vern!  And remember, tonight is Trivia with Noodles at 4 pm.!  Have fun.