Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020

 Yesterday was another HumaneOhio day! We sent up 33 cats--12 males and 21 females, plus we sent up a male dog that belongs to an FFRC friend.  

As I am typing, I am being "mauled" by CDot!  He is a complete nut!  He's on my shoulder, the desk, the keyboard, in my ear, drooling and slobbering and purring like a semi truckHe also is a mask thief--he's been known to run off with our masks! And he looks so very innocent.  I just love this kitten but I cannot adopt him. He needs a home!!  As an orangie, he's absolutely perfect. 

We've had another adoption-- 

Terri was adopted on 10/17. Such a sweet brown tiger kitten! She was adopted by a family with 4 kids that were so wonderful to her! 

We had Buddy adopted briefly by the lady who rescued him. But, he's an active boy and needs a home with pets that will play with him.  She has 2 cats, but they are older and sedate in their ways. Buddy was also being a leg tripper and she was afraid she would fall. So....yes, Buddy is back and already rocking and rolling with his friends.

We also took in a new cat. Her name is Zasha, a grey and white cat. She is probably a hit by car victim. She was hit hard enough to cause her bone to stick out in her rear left leg. She also has a very strange growth on her left ear.  Dr. Darcy will be seeing her on Thursday for a leg amputation and a possible partial ear flap removal. This sweetie loves everyone and can purr and purr and then purr some more!  We have her on antibiotics and pain meds. She's a very happy girl. Please keep her in your good thoughts and prayers.  She has a bit of a recovery to get through.

We have thanks to give.  Your supports is what helps us get through these times.

Linda H--donation to FFRC in honor of Pam S's birthday

Kelly I--donation to FFRC

Riely & Bonnie--donation to FFRC

Norma C--donation for caring for Boom Boom

Deborah S--donation to FFRC

YvonneVDK--donation to be used where needed

Christopher S--donation to FFRC

James R--donation for FFC

Uwe N--donation for FFRC

We have some dates for you!  Mark your calendars!

This Thursday, around 1:00 or 1:15 will be BOXES, following Trivia!

Our next Fun-Raiser is 10/25 to 10/28.  On the 28th, BOXES are at 1:00, followed by the drawing and consolation prizes! Eight awesome items are involved!

Our next two HumaneOhio surgery dates are: November 2 and 16. 

The next FFRC surgery date is November 14, Saturday.

Plus, in November, we have 3 cats scheduled for their dentals.

Stay well, and be kind, friends. We need it now more than ever.


be kind wash your hands coronavirus

The point is, everyone has different viewpoints/feelings and that's ok. We each have a different story.  If you need to stay home, stay home, but be kind.  If you need to go out, just respect others when in public and be kind!  Let's not judge fellow humans because you're not in their story. We all are in different mental states than we were months ago.  So remember, be kind.