Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Busy day today!  This morning we will go thru all of the kittens and cats and trim their nails, clean ears, make sure all treatments are up to date and weigh them. 

Then at 11:00, is our Quickie Flash Sale.  Don't miss it......won't take long! 

Yesterday was our HumaneOhio spay/neuter day.  We sent up 48 cats and kittens.  We had 27 females and 21 males.  Ten of those were FFRC kittens. We were hoping to send up 3 because they have adoption dates looming but we had enough that were "no shows" that we could fill it up with 7 more.  The no-shows are mostly those cats that didn't cooperate with being caught or trapped.  Many of the cats we receive for these HumaneOhio days are cats that are strays and people just want to help! Remember, those kittens born in early spring can actually have kittens of their own in the late fall.....let's get them spayed!

We have thanks to give:
Marti W--donation to FFRC
Liane J/Li-German--donation for Derecho and newcomer cats

Love these cats and their personalities! I swear I just saw Vernon and Kiara pass each other and they gave a chin-up-nod to each other in a greeting!

Paw Paw/Bruno has been playing!  It's so nice to see this oldster playing with toys.

Saturday, Dr. Darcy was here. Thanks to her for helping us make sure our outside cats stay healthy. And a thanks to to Donnajb for helping us gather up the cats, one after another! We were able to do most of the Firehouse, Covies, Porchies and Barnies. 

All in all, they are a healthy batch.  We do need to schedule a few dentals--not nearly as many as in years past!  Sevaun did have a big cyst tended to. We are watching it closely. Looks like it's healing now. Dr. Darcy also looked at a few kittens and cats inside too. Other than a few ears that need more attention, we are setting good on their health situations!  Dizzy still has a bit of trouble with severe stomatitis.  She had a dental and had those terribly bad teeth removed--that was a big help.  She is on some continued meds that will help her feel better.  Today she ate a great breakfast and seems pretty perky!

The farm animals are all doing great. It was fun to watch the ducks and geese dip into their fresh water tubs yesterday--splashing water everywhere.  The horses, donkey and goat are also doing good. They love this weather--not too hot. Their corral areas have gotten thru this summer still in a green state which is nice. They love that grass!

We had an advisory meeting yesterday. Many thanks to our board members for all your input.  We went over the just-passed Catstock! And talked about future events. Ideas are always being talked about!

Here's a quiz for you!!
Who are the 2 cats that love the tuna flakes the best?  Pania (of course!) and Derecho
What CH 3 cats love the Princess bed?  Hensley, Lucy and Ramsay
Who is 20?   Jessie
Who is 19?   Dingy (porchie)
Who is the Boss of the Porchies?   Zavatar
Who are the 2 Covies who chase the guineas?  Dollop & Jack--no worries, birds are too fast!
When Alma meows really really loud, what does she want?  Her personal bowl of dry food
Who is the fastest 2 legged cat ever?  Magic!
Who loves to paw-dip the water to get a drink?  Zelda
Who enjoys a morning nap in the towel cabinet?   Coralie
Where are the sweetest cats ever at?   At FFRC!!

We will have BOXES tomorrow, Weds., at 2:00!