Monday, July 27, 2020

Monday, July 27, 2020

Our rescue center is full of joy.  It's also full of hard work, sweat, lots of tears and even some blood at times. also holds kitties and cats that need as much love, medical care and attention that they can get.  It's full of people---volunteers--that give their all to these kitties and cats.  And it brings tons of memories--it's fun to play the remember this, remember that game! It also has families....people who are willing to give the best gift of all--a real home for their new pets. 

Most of our news is awesome--happy, uplifting and fun.  Like...Boom Boom standing in the middle of a plate to eat.  Zelda meeting me at the door every morning when I first come out.  Jessie practicing her "bossy talk" to each of us, knowing we will indeed respond to her.  Cheering Ramsay on when he is making his way across the room.  Rooting for Alma who makes her way all by herself to the litterbox! Pania telling us it's time for Pania Flakes. And Derecho--his "food talk" in the morning--such sweet meow music he makes! There is always wonderful positive things that are happening here.

And........there are certainly sad things that happen too.  Today was one of those.  We have now lost all 5 of Zastria's kittens.  You already know, they were of light birth weight. They were also slightly underdeveloped at birth. But, something different has happened that I've never seen before. Each have just stopped eating and have lost more weight. Upon looking them over, while still alive, I discovered their tongues had turned blackish, the perimeter of their tongues were white and a few had ulcers on their tongues. They have all died between 5-8 days of life. So so very young to be showing like a viral infection. Because this was very strange, I took pictures and sent to Dr. Darcy who has shared them with Dr. P. It is a mystery yet what this is from. We have an idea but to find out for sure, a necropsy will be done. It'll be sent out today and will probably take a week to get results. Mama Zastria and her earlier litter--Yahtzee, Simpson and Ziva appear to be healthy. Zastria is wanting back in the Main Area, but we are holding her off for a couple more days. I'll keep you posted as to the results.

So, while most of our experiences here are joyful and good, we certainly have our hard times.  These have to be considered as learning times also.  I try to never let a single death that happens here, be in vain.  I want to learn something from each one so that we become better, stronger, more efficient at helping the cats and kittens.  

This is going to come up again, so I'll just address it here.  How do I cope with these losses?  For me, it's thru prayer and knowing that I am in the right place for where I'm suppose to be in my life.  I know beyond a doubt that these kitties and cats come to us for a reason--to be loved, to be cared for.  And if their lives end too soon, I know in my heart that they've been loved. I cannot change some of these sad things that happen. I can just make sure, within myself, that I have done all I could.  Some days I think I can't do it again...the experience of another death. And then.......a kitten meows at me, a cat curls up in my lap, Magic paws at me on my leg, Zelda head butts me, a kitten comes in with a sickness that we can help. Or a cat arrives, hit by a car and we can help with the healing. So many opportunities to  help these cats, to love them and let them enjoy themselves.......because every cat really does matter. 

And now.......on to our thank yous.
Deb F--donation for wherever needed
Janet K--donation for the kitties and cats
Ruth D--donation to use wherever is needed
Colleen P--donation for FFRC
BIllieK--to help with kitties
Sandra L--donation for all the cats
Kelly L--donation for FFRC

Remember our sweet Briant?  We received a note from his family.  "We are so glad to have Briant in our family!  He has adjusted very well. He is just a joy".  So glad Briant received the best gift ever--his own home!

Keep that date September 12, Saturday open for FFRC.  Even though Catstock as we've known it, is cancelled, we have some fun ideas! Mark your calendars!