Saturday, July 25, 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Steve and I have put much thought into this decision. After giving consideration to both sides of whether to have Catstock or not, it’s been decided to cancel Catstock 2020.
We have no idea how the coronavirus will be by the time Sept 12th rolls around
We’ve already had some folks say they will not come due to the worry of their health if they were to attend. It would be hard to predict how many would come. Many would not, simply to protect themselves. But some would. People flying in and driving here from many areas causes concern about the possibility of them bringing Covid with them or taking it back home with them.
It wouldn’t be fair to wait any longer to announce this decision. The reason—we wouldn’t want people to make travel and overnight reservations and then lose any money. Or to possibly lose their vacation time.
Catstock is not a money maker. Actually, Catstock costs FFRC money to hold this event. And at this time, we cannot afford to dip into our funds. Finances are very tight and becoming a worry.
I feel very strong in protecting the volunteers. We have not even opened up the Main Area to the public yet. If even one volunteer comes down with the Covid, all volunteers would have to take a two week break from coming. And that means a lot more work for me, which would be difficult.
Bottom line, I do not feel the idea of holding this event is worth the possible ill health to others. It’s not worth it. Our friends and volunteers health are more important. So……we will dream of Catstock 2021!
I didn't copy properly for yesterday's boxes!  Here's the ENVELOPES!
Janice & Randy P/Fl – Card, Donation 
Mary S/NC – Card, Donation 
Lyndarella/Me – Card, Donation in Memory of Uri 
Don & Joy/ NY -- Card, Donation, Cat food Circles 
Joyce & Chuck/NH – Card, Donation in Memory of Uri 
June/Painted daisy – Card 
Cathy/Mn  -- Note, Donation for Snacks and in Honor of Patty & Julie P’s Birthday 
Sue M/macandchesedoodle mom – Note, Marilyn Sponsorship & Donation
A sad update.  We have lost Louis. This is from a virus.  I had a vet tell me once that a cat can possibly have to deal with 40 different viruses. Some of the common ones are Herpesvirus, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia, Coronavirus, Bordetella bronchiseptica.  And then there's even bacterial infections that cats can get on top of these viruses like Chlamydiosis. 

You may also know that we have a step ladder of antibiotics that we use. Remember, antibiotics do not help the initial infection but does help with secondary infections.  We normally start at the bottom of the ladder and move up and also at times combine, as we figure out what works and what doesn't for each particular strain that comes here.  

Louis was so young.  We've had a few kittens get this recently, what I presume is the same virus.  So far, Louis is the only one that we will lose.  The others are responding, eating and are playing and acting like silly kittens again. They should do just fine. Louis's death is not in vain.  He was important to us and he was loved.  The way his virus started and ended gave us clues as to how to treat the others.  Louis was such a sweet little kitten soul and is missed.

I also want to give  you an update on Zastria's kittens.  As you know, they were very low birth weights but seemed to take right off.  We have a bit of a worry though.  There are two of them that are lagging behind the other 3--not gaining weight now. In fact, have lost a bit.  They seem to have lost their desire to nurse.  We will keep you posted. 

Kittens are all doing great. I love their orniness! I just had Roxi come flying around the corner, leap at warp speed and landed on my keyboard and then she took off the other way running!  Today, Yahtzee, Simpson and Ziva were due for their next vaccines. I couldn't find Yahtzee at all.  I had to go into the house to get a drink and there she was---playing on the floor with Hopey!  Boom Boom's favorite way to eat---right smack in the middle of the plate! Have you noticed CDot's eyes?  Remember when he came in, both were very infected?  Not anymore. Both are crystal clear but as round as can be!  He always has a surprised look to himself!  Mary Sharon's fur is still doing the sticking-out-thing!  I told her it looks like she got an electric shock and stood her hair up on end!  Freedom......what a nut.  He can play nonstop, I swear, for hours! The list could go on and on. Each kitten is unique and wonderful. We love them all.

Working on adoptions!  You all take good care.