The projected sale amount came to $450. This is just wonderful. This will go towards our utility bills. I've been asked---is there a reason for so many facebook sales lately (jewelry/plates/miniature collectibles). There is indeed a reason--a special reason even---to get our utility bills paid up! Because of the winter season and it being extra cold, the utility bills have gone up. But, the good news is........only 7 more days till Spring. This will bring warmer weather!
We had BOXES on Monday. Many thanks! Always exciting for us.
MKMousie/Mod CATATHON - Steam Lab for Kids Kit, Kitchen Science Lab for Kids
Purple - CATATHON Mods - Expanded Explosive Potato, Tennis ball mortar, etc, Air & Water Power build your own engine, For the GIrl Basket--Microscope set with slides
Susan 345 CATATHON Star Wars Ewok, For the Baby Boy Basket: Build a Bear
Don & Sandy Case of BFF WeRuVa pkts. Box of Broths, 30ct Case Fancy Feast, 40ct Case Friskies
Pckrbkr - Card with Note, Snackers for Marilyn, Peanut Butter Pretzels for Steve, Q-Tips, 7 cans Sardines, 3 cans Tuna, 22 Magic Erasers, Pillowcases, 50 #2 Pencils, Pop Tabs, Box Tops
Daydreamz2-- CATATHON 4 Rolls Bubble Wrap
Love3cats--- 1 Pretty Bath Rug
Miau/Di Mod - Books for Jacci: Cats & Cat Encyclopedia
Joco - Variety and Lots of Scrubbies, Cowboy Candy, Bone Broth: Chicken and Steak for furries & humans CATATHON: 2 sets of Baby hats & Booties
JBond CATATHON: Cat Socks, Hooded Flannel Sleeping Bag, Fish Net, 2 Pillow covers Owl & Hummingbird, Fabric to paint Birds, Stock Pot, Canning Pot, 3 Dozen Pint and Quart wide mouth Canning Jars Also an assortment of items for canning: jar rock, 9" colander, Lid wrench, funnel, tongs, jar liften and a magnetic lid lifter
Anony - Book: World of Microscopes, Microscope & Prepared slides
iPuff - Jalapeno M&M's for Lynnetty , Kitty Lamp, 2 Kitty figurines, 6 T-Shirts 5 Sweatshirts
SunnieJ - Box Tops & Socks
YvonneVDK - CATATHON - 4 Star Wars Cat Toys
Pleblady - Bag of Fruit Gems, CATATHON: Roll of Bubble Wrap,
Joey3100 - 2 Rolls Bubblewrap
Justme - CATATHON: Book: Conversations with Derecho
Melissa L - NY - Donation
Jean S - WI Donation? Thank You note from Hatima
Tonie M -OH Donation in memory of Dennis/Dinks
Fran S - ME & her 4 "light" kitties-- Card & Donation in memory of Schinns Sweet Ralph
Fulton County Humane Society - Thank You for Donation
David - NY FFRC Best
Day Visitor Miranda G - Cat Treats, Paper Towels, Lysol Wipes, Copy Paper, Toilet Paper, Foam Plates, Rug & Baby Food
Alan & Elaine FL - in Memory of LittleKat - 2 Bags Litter, 1 32Ct Friskies, 324ct Friskies, 1 Case 24ct FancyFeast
Day Visitors Chad & Carrie Monroe's new family, Lysol Wipes & Paper Towels
Here's for a good giggle! FFRC Captures and Captions Giggles Scene #37. Production by FFRC Captures and Captions, Directed by Derecho.Assistant Director--Auntie JustMe. This is an official video of ©Friends of Felines Rescue Center, Defiance, Ohio 2018. Please click the like/thumbs up button on youtube as it helps generate more $ for FFRC
Just for fun......have an idea of total square footage of the Rescue Center--(not including any of the outside buildings)? It's almost 2,000 square feet.
The shirts that were ordered in the last month from CustomInk will soon be on their way! Watch your mailboxes!
We have a new cat. Actually, this is a cat that arrived with Lorry. His name is Morton. His birthday is 10/3/15, which makes him 3 1/2 years old. He too had to have a double bath for cleanliness. Morton is a black/white cat with white on his left lip. His long white whiskers makes him very handsome. While he is physically well, his emotional state is rocky. At first, he was terrified of everything. He is now on the floor in the front Thumper's Room and is letting us pet him head to tail. Any noise makes him jump and scatter. But, you can tell......he WANTS to be petted. He is a work in progress--slow but sure.
Lorry had come up to the Main Area and was adjusting nicely. Now that Morton is out of his condo, she has chosen to go back to the front Thumper's Room to be with her friend. She's super sweet and is so helpful to Morton.
Upcoming dates:
March 17 to March 20--Fun-Raiser!
March 18--HumaneOhio surgery day
March 18--FFRC's board meeting
March 26--Mich & Vern Flash Sale 2:30ish
April 1--HumaneOhio surgery day
Sasekani and Feather's kittens are just starting to eat a bit from a plate! Yesterday was a definite jump in their activity level! Thy have been exploring the whole room! We still put Feather and her 4 kittens in the double condo for night time so she can nurse her babes.
And we have more thanks to give:
Jones Shop--donation to FFRC
Shirl T--donation in honor of Mowgli
Shirl T--donation in honor of Mowgli
Gary DL--donation to be used where needed
David and Christine & kitties--donation to FFRC for medical needs
Lana H--donation to FFRC
Jane W from TN--donation to FFRC
Helen C--donation to FFRC
Jane W from TN--donation to FFRC
Helen C--donation to FFRC
Gusti--donation to FFRC for Mowgli for meds/special foods
Kelly I--donation to FFRC
James R--donation to FFRC
James R--donation to FFRC
We had an adoption yesterday--our sweet wonderful Sinbad went to his new home. His new mama planned this date so she could be with him for 2 1/2 days! He will have a cat friend there in his new home!
This Saturday, we have already scheduled 4 adoptions in the morning. First, Barin will leave with Beth. They will meet Kathy half way home. The other three leaving are: Abel, Cornelio and Fabel.
Manville is in the Main Area now full time. We've been putting him in the Welcome Room at night though. He's a super wonderful boy and you can see that he is figuring out how to live inside. We're still watching him as it seems he's trying to play but then becomes a bit rough. He's getting better each day. It would be wonderful if he settles inside as a happy, contented cat and gets along with everyone.
And Paw Paw says Hi! His fur is growing out beautifully--he's so very handsome.