Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

 First there was one, then two, then three and now...........there are four!  And Smokey is a beaming happy mama cat. She actually seems very content and relaxed now with tending to all of these babies.  As you know, Roosevelt is her borned kitten. Frankie came along as a foster as did Buddy.  And then, we received a phone call from Jersey's that there was a small kitten behind the restaurant.  We drove over, searched and did not find her. FIVE employees (😁) came out and helped us look. Kitten came to them--they were her food source! 

Her name is Jersey! She's a white kitten with grey on her. She's 4 weeks old, weighed 14 ounces--how did she survive almost a week in the woods?  Her birthday is 7/17/20.  She ate a whole belly's worth upon arrival here, had a bath. And of course, as I'm drying her, mama Smokey comes and takes her out of my hands and puts her in the nest. Jersey promptly finished her meal with a warm drink of milk! She loves her new mama!  The four have all fit right in together.

Yesterday was a HumaneOhio surgery day. We sent up 46 cats! This breaks down to 28 females and 18 males. Many thanks to Debbie, Becky, Gem and Lynnette for your help with check ins.  Also thanks to Marcia and Dawn for helping us with check outs. This brings our 2020 total to 722 cats---430 females and 292 male and 1 dog which then makes it 723 spays/neuters. 

We had another adoption--Trill!  Our big beautiful golden boy. He was adopted by a volunteer. I've talked to her already and sounds like the household is settling in nicely with Trill. He was adopted on 8/15. 

We have more possible adoptions coming up---Marti, Holly, Freemont, Owen, Boom Boom. Plus, -------Buddy is on hold but he has a long way to go yet! 


Today starts our Matching Fun-Raiser.  It ends Thursday at midnight.  Then on Friday, we will start revealing the totals at 10:00 am, noon and 2 pm. Whatever is brought in will be DOUBLED up to a total of $3,000.  BIG thanks to our anonymous donor!  Come join us for the fun on Friday!


We will be having BOXES on Weds. at 1:00. We are grateful for each and every box!

We have thanks to give:

Carolyn W--donation to FFRC

Lynne W--donation to FFRC

Norma C--donation to FFRC, in memory of Uri

Don't forget to tag your calendar for September 12, Saturday.  That is our Catstock day.  Yes, it will  be very different from years past. But, we wanted to provide some Catstock fun for our cam viewers off and on throughout the day! 

This blog will be a short one. Honestly, I've worked hard at it, but these kittens are super ornery this morning. They have deleted whole paragraphs, erased many words here and there, added words that I have no idea how they knew how to spell so well and in general have made this blog time very interesting. And then they have the nerve to look so very cute and innocent.  So, in closing, the cats and I are saying to please take good care and have a great day. 
