FFRC surgeries are tomorrow. Love these days! Right now, we have 11 surgeries scheduled. There is the possibility of 2 more coming in from the public. Of this 11, 2 of those are also public.
FFRC boys: Gene, Trey, Cas
FFRC girls: Purrlissa, Lynnz, Paris, Rita, Suka, Ntima
We also have quite a few physicals to work in. Also a couple volunteer's cats will be coming in for their physicals too.
Tuesday was our HumaneOhio surgery day. We sent 10 males and 21 females up to Toledo. This was made up by 30 cats and 1 dog. All went well. This now brings us to 56 spays/neuters for 2018.
This past Monday we also had our monthly Advisory meeting. It's always a good thing--we get regrouped and inspired by ideas. This board is made up of myself, Lynnette, Connie D, Mary Braid, Megan, Angie L, Barb W, Becky M, Dawn E. Jenny C will still help us with the Catathon!
Yesterday we had our Fun-Raiser drawing! First, we had BOXES. Many thanks to Nancepants for your catetary skills.
Beth (Eaglewatcher) --6 new colorful e-collars, different sizes.
And then came the Fun-Raiser. Thanks to Mudjie for the great notes on this!
A 2 Pet Carriers w/wheels 5x51 $205 Joco & FaithyMD
B - Dooney & Bourke Handbag 5x94 $470 Patty B
C 1930's Dresden Plate Quilt 5x59 $295 Nuthatches
D - Purple Velvet Kitty Bed 5x92 $460 LJ for FFRC
E Rosemary Afghan 5x58 $290 Sarah Ow-gifted to Donnajb
F Sprocket Printer 5x80 $400 Francine Da
G Karunda Tower 7 5x209 $1045 Nana Sh
H iPad Pro 128 5x251 $1255 nyckkitty45
The total of this came to: $4420 and then.......we had our awesome bumper-uppers which came to $1080. This made our Grand Total to $5500
I am so utterly grateful for this. I swear my legs to turn jelly when I hear the totals of these events! This made it possible for Steve to pay the Electric bill and the Propane Gas bill. And we can apply a bit to the veterinary bill.
Many thanks to Dawnstar for making the video to show on cam. Canton gets a big thanks too for putting the information in different areas. And to our mods who helped us publicize this fun-raiser and answering people's question. And more thanks...........every item was donated--you are greatly appreciated! Those 884 tickets that were sold came from our FFRC supporters---big hugs and many thanks! Whether you won a prize or not, your ticket will help FFRC. And another thanks to Marcia who did all the ticket marking!
We also had consolation prizes--those went to: Ron Rob, Beth (who donated her item to the B-liter), Gill H, Craig M, Brenda Los, Sophieandlucysdad, VIckie & Patrick (volunteers), Mary Sel, Madisonpepper, Emmville, Lindasb1
Our bumper-uppers are: Donnajb, Beth/eaglewatcher, kittiesmom, Dewbus, Lannml, Nuthatches, Knittinkitten, Crazycatladies
Just look at that---lots of thanks all around!!
We took 3 cats over to Dr. Pettigrew's office yesterday. They were very busy and so had to reschedule Lucie for today for her dental. She will be back today. They made sure she had a comfy pen, complete with a rubberized pad so she wouldn't slip.
Mama Calico Cat--went in for her ear. They were able to remove most of the mass in her right ear. Her x-ray shows great thickness in the middle ear. Her left hear actually has a plug in it--also in the middle ear but her ear drum is intact. Upon her return, she received Convenia (long acting antibiotic). She will also need her special ear drops to both ears twice daily plus an injection for inflammation for a couple weeks. For right now, we will keep her here in the back Thumper's Room for treatment.
Shirley Mae--went in for her ear (right) also. She's our cat that has the head tilt, due to her ear problems. The entire time she's been here, we've been working on that ear. She has multiple things wrong in her middle ear canal. Her ear drum could not be seen due to severe inflammation. Her ear condition cannot be fixed by surgery, so we have special meds for her ears, Convenia, steroids to help with that inflammation.
We have an initial report about Vincent. He is negative for Herpes and Chlamydia. He had a super severe viral pneumonia, hemorrhagic in nature. The problem is his condition was resistant to almost 100% of antibiotics. Remember, this is viral, so antibiotics do not help---just with secondary infections. He had been on antibiotics but to no avail. More results still to come. What have we learned so far though? This reinforces to us the way cats are--they "hide" their symptoms. The day before he passed, he was playing and eating. I feel like I watch these cats like a hawk, yet the very nature of a cat, complicates us finding out that they are sick sometimes. This also reinforces why we clean so much--to get rid of germs that cats do harbor. I know sometimes people think we are excessive in cleaning, but no--these are cats and one of the best ways to protect them is cleanliness, vaccines, low stress, good food. Will keep you posted.
A week from Sunday (28th) is our Annual Volunteer Meeting. We are already preparing for this.