And we have 2 more kittens--Foster Mama Peggy has brought Sparkle and Markel back to stay. They have graduated to being bigger kitties! They've been back and forth so many times that they are quite comfortable with everyone here.
Every morning we come out to lots of shreds of rope on the floor in the purple office. Such fun to shred that rope--and then to gather it into piles to run and splatter it all over! I've seen them do this many times--they use their hind feed to ball it all up. We have such smart cats. Cayden also has a fun thing he does. If there's any amount of litter that has gotten out on the floor, it becomes his rolling area. He can spend 15 minutes wallaring on 3 TBS of litter!
We have taken on 6 more cats. We had an incident yesterday morning where someone pulled in the parking lot (still dark time) and dropped off cats. We happened to hear the car come in and went out to see what was going on. They were in the process of trying to leave. There were 2 boxes of cats, 1 cage of cats and they also let 2 cats loose on the property. That's the part that is hard to handle. Now we have 2 intact cats loose on the property. I've been trying to find them but have only seen one of them once. We will be setting traps too. So, all in all, there were 8 cats.
So, the 6 that we have here are here in the Rescue Center. We have 2 small kittens (about 6 weeks old), 1 older kitten (maybe 4 months), 3 very young adults. One of the adults appears to be the mama of the two smaller babies, but we're not sure. I tried to get information from the two women who dumped them, but they weren't talking. All they were interested in doing was leaving. These things are difficult when you have people intent on dumping--sometimes no amount of talking helps. It truly was the business of dumping 2 of them loose on the property that was the most disturbing and them being unwilling to share any information about them. I know the two loose on the property are scared.
These 6 that we took on appear to be friendly. Two are siamese mixes. 2 are black/white, 1 is long hair grey and the other is a grey tiger/white. All are sweet. None of them are spayed/neutered. All have severe ear infections. One has a severe head twist (maybe from ear infection??), a couple have diarrhea, all have severe round worm infestation. A couple of them need to have their teeth looked at. And two have slight eye issues. These things are all workable and will be tended to.
Vernon is a love-bug. He so loves to be cuddled. Bender is doing very well walking again. Seems to be stronger in his walking again. Jersey loves looking out the window of Kitty Campus Room---I think he is keeping track of the cars going in and out!
Posie is an ornery little girl--she's here, there and everywhere--so much energy. Oswald and Major are zippy-dos. Both love to race! Today I saw Kerry, a Barnie run so fast, it was worthy of a cheetah run! Emmitt and Annmarie are extra good friends--always napping together. Clarissa is becoming a very laid back, relaxed mama. She knows her kitties are safe. Amani and Jete are little play-cats. They wake up playing and fall asleep in the middle of playing! I have seen them countless time, in the middle of playing, to simply fall asleep!
Jenni has been here all day yesterday and again today taking pictures of the Baskets and Big Ticket Items for the website. So exciting! Today starts our Concessions with the dance rehearsals and recital. It runs all weekend.
We had BOXES last night. Many thanks to you.
Clark, Jessie & Family--Happy Birthday cards & famous $5 for Cayden and Kiara!
Eclectra--metal art picture of Wanderin' Wigglin' Walter! This will be a raffle item.
Jatcat from CA--2 Lasko wall mounted fans---one for Kitty Kabana, one for the back Thumper's Room. The one that was in Kitty Kabana, will go to The House that Jonah Built.
Pat, our THurs vol--4 crocheted wash cloths.
I was in a huge shock this morning when I started my emails. I noticed alot of PayPals, the majority of them to help with the 6 (hopefully 8) new cats. I was humbled and blown away. They were hard to keep working on, as I couldn't see thru my tears. These were tears of gratitude. You all "out there" never cease to amaze me. Apparently after hearing the full details of the story last night about the arrival of these 8 cats, our FFRCNation was quick to come of help. For this, I am extremely grateful. This Rescue Center could not possibly do all what we attempt to do without the support you give us. I am truly honored by this and will, as always, use every single penny wisely. Big thanks to the following:
Kathy M from MN, Dianne E from AZ, Vicki B from NY, Phyllis B from MI, Charlotte W from PA, Wavy, DonnaJB, Jatcat, Eaglewatcher, Cassiecat, DiBme, Betsy P from MA, Zoolove, Lostgirl, Warped, Mudjie, Diann B, Sonnykat, Timbrwolfpup, Yarnlover, Eartheyes, Leannereinelt, Littleonemine, Joanna B from NH, Doubleydibleydoouk, Newfiedogmom, Dewitty, Kathie S from FL, Helmin, Faithymd, Belltime, Kikkocat, Napa, Lynne W from CA, KB_id, Beachkatz, FloppyJan, Mary M from MN, Piperjo, Kkat, Beth C from CT, Anita S from NY, Dixie D from WY, Christom and Mich,
Isn't that just wonderful? Now you can see why I was just so so surprised this morning! Are you ready for this.......the grand total was......$2,255. Each cat that comes in, initially costs us $350 for all the Check-In Protocol that we do. For 8 cats, that comes to $2,800! We are assuming that we WILL find those 2 cats! This is a magnificent surprise and gives us a HUGE start on this! I am deeply grateful. This FFRCNation's support is strong and uplifting to me. I think I need a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup in celebration! LOL Have a wonderful day!