Joey did something amazing today. I was sitting at my desk early this morning and he climbed up the kuranda tower beside the desk and halfway came on my desk. He stayed there for a good ten minutes. It was amazing to me. When I think back about how he was when he first arrived. I remember saying that I wish for him to be comfortable enough that he would cruise about someday. I do believe he's achieved this! Makes me very happy for him.
We had BOXES last night! You all are so appreciated.
Julie P/tigercats from IA-car charm for Dodger, milk rings, sticky notes, kitty nail art, 4 sock coin purses, dinosaur sandwich cutters, PB cups, 8 cases of Friskies can food, 2 butterfly glow sticks---some of these things we can use for Catstock!
nona--2 cases KMR
Donnajb--Bounce, baby food, 12 big cans canned chicken, 2 cases Fancy Feast kitten
Helen M/helman--box of 24 Whiskas, Box of Meow Mix bowls, 2 cases Fancy Feast, case of 9-Lives
Mayumi from Tokyo Branch--48 packets fish snackers, 12 packets chicken snackers, bear belly ice pack for kitties
Linda C/angelface--case of Fancy Feast kitten, case of baby food, 400 spoons
Anonymous Lurker--2 cases Fancy Feast
JoAnn Z/jznyc from NY--4 boxes appetizers
Great Aunt Julie/Tigercat from IA--8 cases Friskies, box of Friskies packets
Leggygal from CA--4 cases baby food
Sean and Ann from PA with Penn, Teller and Pixel. 4-day visitors!
Julie B from CA--donation to FFRC
terwil/Theresa W from PA--donation to FFRC, to use anyway needed
Carol D from VA--donation to FFRC
Lannml--donation to FFRC for medical expenses
Barbara W from WA--donation "just because", probably will put towards medical needs
SonJamac--donation for FFRC, above Hannah's bracelet!
Little Miss Samara has a new name--Miss Bouncy, JungleJane girl. This morning she decided her Dodger's Pen was no longer a pen to stay quiet in. She was jogging circles in it, going up the sides and onto the hammock. Made me gasp. It was one of those times I needed to wiggle my finger at her and tell her that that was not allowed---only slow motion is allowed for her while recovering! I don't think she's listening though!
We finally were able to complete the adoption for Athena. We've known for a few days that she was going to a home. New mom/dad have a fairly quiet house, has 2 teenager kids that love cats. The hold up was that they were undecided about which second cat to choose. It dawned on me yesterday that she and Snow-King are great together. They've been together for a month and have always been nice to each other. I made the first phone call this late morning. Actually, Athena is doing awesome--already watching out the patio doors. Snow-King is not quite so brave--hasn't left the couch yet. But, he will. His friend Athena will work for him!
The boys--Cayden, Trucker and Vernon--are doing great. They hang out together a lot. Nap together, eat together, play together! Such a joy to see this! All 3 are growing.
Remember BOXES are at 5:30 this evening and the Raffle Drawing is at 6:00! Let's have some fun!