Happy Easter, folks. The cats and I would like to wish you a blessed, glorious day. The cats have already enjoyed a delicious fresh cooked turkey treat--inside and outside cats all shared.
We had BOXES Friday evening. We are grateful to your support.
Heather, Elskates daughter--donation in honor of Elskates birthday!
Laurie B--case of Friskies Pate
Mary H, Friday night vol--4 bags Iams kitty snackers
Squeekymom--4 bottles vinegar, 2 sheets postage stamps, case of KMR, 18 bags of Greenies
Lannml--For Catathon: 2 CatOpoly games, book "I will see you in Heaven"
Jobear--BD card, 270 of the 9 " plates, 4 bags of cat snackers
Jatcat--fireman's nozzle
Roberta S from Findlay--newspaper articles
Phyllis B/Buddy & Emmi--Easter card & a chicken $5
Don & Joy from NY--card and donation to FFRC
V family from PA--coupons for cat food, snackers and litter
Donna W (Clark and Jessie's auntie)--Easter card & 2 chicken $5's
Sherri/neuromom & David from NY--Easter card & a chicken $5
Darkcat--lots and lots of Fresh Step paw points!
Jenny and Brent (Montana & crew!)--sponsorship of Joey. Also a carload of goodies---plates, bleach, vinegar, Clorox wipes, PT, kleenex, Mr. Clean---awesome! Delivered by SonJa!
SonJamac--Stroopwfle, maple syrup, stuffed monkey, special candies, poptops
Phil & Judy--day visitors--3 dz. cat food cans, Easter treats & 2 quilt crafts for Catathon
Makalah Sue is recovering nicely from her spay. She is continuing to eat good and grow. She had her surgery on Friday. Vivienne also went to the vets on Friday. An x-ray was done and an ultrasound. She does indeed have a fractured femoral head. Her pelvis is sound. Her ultrasound shows that her bladder is not damaged although she is still having a bit of bloody urine. It's quite possible in the near future we will have surgery on her femoral head, called an FHO (femoral head ostectomy). This simply means the fractured head will be removed and then the femur will make it's own new "spot" at the pelvis. We will see how she does for right now. In the meantime, Vivienne and Makalah Sue are enjoying each other's company.
Our sweet Shawnee has one baby left. Malachi has also passed away. This has been very hard on all of us. The two that passed were fine and then simply past quickly. Syringe feeding was attempted but not successful. Once again, mama knew what was happening. Remember, before Shawnee came, she had already lost one baby. The remaining kitten, Dakota, seems to be feeling good. And mama also seems to be feeling good.
Gia continues to improve each day. She's more active and is eating good now! She should be out with the rest of the cats soon. KinneyKay is enjoying her new life! She is no longer in her pen and is here, there and everywhere in the back Thumper's Room! She will even come up for a head butt. The best news of all---she's now eating by herself! What a dear personality she has!
We had two cats leave yesterday. Joey--(not our Joey!) is the name of the beige/white kitten that was lost on our farm property. Remember---he had gotten away from the owners when they brought him in for his neuter. He simply disappeared--we hadn't seen him since the first week of his escape. He showed up on Weds. evening and was caught on Thursday morning--he had been gone 2 months. As quickly as he disappeared, he reappeared! And here's the kicker---he had been recently neutered! So.....somewhere, someone had him! He was happy to see his family and they were thrilled to get him back.
The second cat to leave yesterday was Rhea--the black teenager that was brought in. I had a feeling she would be called about. She was a "lost" kitten, not a stray. When she arrived, we had noticed that she was already spayed, was friendly, hungry but not thin. They too were thrilled to have their kitten back and had pictures to show us. Rhea recognized them and went easily back to them! A good day.