Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday, Sept. 9

Yesterday's surgeries went very well. All are recovered, happy and already out and about. The girls were: Roadinia, Treesa, Tallulah, Tabitha, Miau, Liberty and Graciela. The boys were: Obun, Avens, Derecho, Vollie. We also did a dog for ALOL. All went well. Derecho was our very first surgery--he did fantastic. Went down easily and recovered quickly. We had lots of volunteers here to help with various things related to the surgery day--many many thanks.

We also did many physicals. Some were a simple yearly check up--all were fine on those. We had a few special ones we wanted done. Hank: eye, is going to be a "wait and see" case. He DOES NOT like to be medicated or treated. His right eye is very cloudy, but not painful. He's very difficult to do any type of meds. Big Al: appears to have his tumor back in his ear. Will schedule for surgery. Tumor will be removed and a lower section of ear canal removed to make for much simpler removal of future tumors. Ada Jane: thyroid is good, but continues to have very very small kidneys. Will keep an eye on this, if we need to do SQ fluids a couple times a week, we will. Will keep check on her hydration level. Magenta--she's just a very petite girl! Thyroid IS good! Kidneys good. Emaline: wow--what a mess she is again. We have a lot of skin issues going on with her once more. Her condition seems to change overnight. Her poor nose is also heavily involved. Our vet feels it may be a type of surface cancer/immune issue that is going on. There is a good med that can possibly help. I have one dose here to get her started and will follow up with this on Monday. If this doesn't work, will do biopsy, although we've hit most treatments already for a wide range of possible diagnosis. She is very very happy in the house and loves to sleep right beside me or on me! We'll bring her out occasionally still so you all can see her.

Cassidy is doing much much better. He started eating mid morning and has eaten several good meals since. He will probably have his door opened to his pen sometime today, so he'll have the option whether he wants to come out or not. We'll continue to pamper him big time!

As you may know, we have 2 kittens not doing very well. They are Zorka and Callaway. Today is an important day for both. We'll keep you posted.

We've had lots of visitors this weekend, which of course, we love. Selena and Scott W from IN came on Saturday (brought a newbie kitten--more later) and spent the whole day with us. Nikka is also here--she arrived yesterday and will stay a few days. Michelle/Diego Kitty has been here since Friday and will leave sometime today. We love visitors! The visitors pitched in and helped with various things.
Gib--a Cat Go Round Wheel pro--he sure can make that wheel spin!