I am so late getting this blog in....but for a very good reason! This early morning I had the pleasure of going to Fort Wayne airport and picking up a guest for FFRC! It's Janet (aka Janak) from New Zealand. Janet is one of our cam moderators. She will be with us for a little while and is here as a teacher for me!! I'm thrilled about this and very grateful that she has come to help. Janet and I will be going over many many computer things--I'm always eager to learn more about these computers here. Welcome, Janet.
I've received an e-mail fom Hannah's mom. This is it: "Hannah is doing a lot better. We are still at Riley in Indy. She is coming along fine from where she had been. It won't be long now. We have a potential discharge date of October 8th. Andy and I are doing our 8 and 24 hour nursing shifts to get checked off on her care. Learning to switch out trachs, learning the ventilator settings, bagging, etc. Hannah is such a trooper! We appreciate everyone's prayers. Her hair is starting to come back in again and her cheeks are rosey, something I'm not used to. Hugs to all the kitties. You all take care. Thanks so much, Hannah's mom"
Please keep Hannah in your prayers. This is one special girl!
Tomorrow is Tenzin's surgery. This will be for a front leg amputation. We expect all to be just fine! We will keep you posted thru out the day and will bring him home asap. At this time, he is their first scheduled surgery.
It's a wonderful day today! We have the door open to our outdoor enclosure and it's full of cats outside! They love it. We've also let the Covie cats out--they are running all over the farmyard.
We had a beautiful saying sent to us yesterday by Gecko/Barbara. I've had several people ask me to put it in the blog.
"There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive: our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient meaure of the joy we have been given." By Suzanne Clothier.
This is beautifully said and warrants a second reading to fully understand it. THIS explains why we can love so many pets and know the grief that is caused by death, but acknowledge that every memory is worth it.
We had LOTS of BOXES last night and I have LOTS of thanks to give! I'm so grateful.
Lesa S--a case of disposable chux/pads
AD861 from Gerard, OH--10 boxes of Hello Kitty bandages
Nancy/Peekabookitty--donation, book called "I could pee on this" (a great book!!), light up crinkle pad, and bunches of sardines, a gift for Sigrid
Cheryl G--6 cases of Fancy Feast, 2 cases of Friskies gravy, 2 cases of Friskies shreds
Anonymous J--12 jars baby food, 2 cases of Fancy Feast Medley, 3 cases of Bounty Paper towels, 2 bottles of Dawn, 2 Glad Trash bags, 4 Tide bottles
Anonymous--2 cases of Baby food
Patricia V--8 big cans of liquid KMR
Domino and his mama Kerswill--pillowcases, laundry basket, Wellness kitty food, case of Gravy Sensations, Friskies, 6 post it notes, Einstein toy, cards, scratch list pad, Kickeroo toy
Lemon65--Emergy Cat Board and refill, feather toy
Middiesmom/PattyB--2 cases of Fancy Feast Medley & 1 case of Royal Canin baby food
Anonymous--1 case of paper towels
Pat L from Kansas--lots of pillow cases, wash cloths, 18 tote bags, 5 bed covers and 16 cans of 9-Lives cat food Pat made much of this herself--beautiful work!
BadKitty--bunches of bed covers made by his mama, PJ, yarn for Linda, crocheted bouncy spiral toys a yellow magic wand kitty toy
Anonymous--3 cases of Fancy Feast Appetizers
ColleenP from CA--2 temptation treats, coupons
Harriet W/Jacobcat from OH--kitty treats
Anonymous--3 case of Fancy Feast Appetizers
Anonymous--1 case of Fancy Feast Appetizers
Lovebugs--2 cases of Fancy Feast Appetizers
Barbara/LGecko from CA--pillow that says: Are You Fixed Yet?, card for FiFi, Whiskas Purrfectly Chicken, squeeker toy, snackers for Porchies, Covies, Banies and Center cats
Jatcat--2 cat carriers
Linda C from from FL--coupon for 2 scoopable litter
Bantry--a very nice card
Carolyn W & Beth C from OH--poem of animal loss
Patricia K from NY--coupons
Boxes were a bit chaotic last night, but oh so much fun! If there are any errors, please don't hesitate to let me know!
I would like to say a big thank you for each and every one of you. YOU are a very important part of this Rescue Center! We could not manage what we do here without you. You know that song, Lean on Me that has become very important to me? It's true--I DO lean on you all and you do a wonderful job of holding me up! The cats and I appreciate you.
No matter what in this world, we cannot please everyone. I've learned that long ago, but I'm sure we all like to try. We all have a CHOICE to make each and every day. We can CHOOSE if we want to be positive or be a negative influence. I'm very happy to say that I believe we have about a 99% positive feedback from our supporters. I refuse to let that 1% get me down. The cats too agree with me! On to another great day!