Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sunday, June 16

Go take a nap. Don't be climbing that high. Better fill your tummy now. No rough playing. Geesh, do these kittens not realize they just had surgery?!! We did 20 surgeries yesterday. The kittens don't remember it at all. They look at us like........what? I want to go play now. Oh well, might as well let them do their thing. They all look good this morning!

The boys were: Remison, VIncent, Theo, Whobe, Rufus, Kiko, Hankster, Caliboo and BIx. 
The girls were: Ginger, Zsa Zsa, Tatitiana, Danika, Temba, Courbet, Pumpkin, Calidora and Jemison.
Dr. Darcy also worked on Intrepid. His little eye lids were torn torn from his accident. She put a couple sutures to hold it together. She also looked at Pania. Her right eye was swollen again and this time it was hard. Time to remove it. Her surgery went beautifully and today she is already playing and acting just fine!

Dr. Darcy also did another assessment of Gallant. She thinks the sutures look good. We'll be removing the tension sutures very soon. The others stay in for a bit yet. He had yet another physical. Joline also had a physical. Stomatitis was confirmed, although we have it somewhat under control with meds. We will be makiing an appointment to have the remainder of her teeth removed. She only has a few left, but they need to go. She will feel much much better after this. Thanks to Joyce S/D for the pizza lunch!

After surgery, much more time was spent on the Catathon. The Baskets and Big Ticket Items are now in the order of their showing. Everything is lined up ready to go (almost). Check out the website--there is now lots of information regarding each Basket and each Big Ticket Item. We have a couple things to add, but the majority of the info is there for your viewing! Go to the main page of to pre-register and to check out all the items. Sorry, folks, we are now out of the Bondi Bands. We're trying to fix a little problem--we do NOT have 3xlg shirts available. I'm so sorry..

I would like to mention something about the Kitty Kastle. I know it has been a sore subject for some of you out there. Please remember this--the bottom line is, this is on our property, belongs to Steve and myself. Decisions regarding this are personal. I would never ever want to hurt anyone's feelings about Kitty Kastle. Last November, I made sure to announce that as of the end of May 2013, that I would no longer be taking reservations. The reason is that this was actually made over for my mom to live when the time was right. I do not know when that time will come, but I did not want to book a whole summer of reservations that I may have to cancel. Janet/Janak has been kind enough to come to FFRC to help with the overload of computer work. I appreciate her help and have offered her to stay at Kitty Kastle during her 5 week stay. My wish is that people would not criticize my decision on this. It makes sense for her to be on the property, close to FFRC where she is putting in many hours a day helping us.If we could only house everyone that wants to visit--I'd love that as we truly do love our visitors!  I trust that people will let this go, not be critical and be of support in regards to this decision.

Happy Birthday to Riley! Riley is 10 years old and is a Covie cat. A handsome black boy!

We had BOXES last night. FFRC is very grateful for this help!
Mayumi from Japan--24 packets of Tulle, a creamy chicken kitty food (Putter loves it too!)
PSW--Happy Catathon! A t-shirt that says "Keep Calm & Rescue On" Thanks!
Arden & Charmaine--box of 60 thirty gallon Hefty garbage bags
Anna Marie & Neil--for the Catathon--30 plus Keurig cups (to add to their basket)
Francois A/Littlefrank--card for Dina, gift for Kelly and Molly, gift for Paul, gift for Cheri. A card and ceramic kitty and kitty book mark for Jacci. Christmas decorations and tons of beads!
Susan B/Missmic from WV--Magnets: Home is not a home without a rescue Kitty" and volunteer tokens (thanks!).  For Albert's Garden--a sweet, resin kitty angel, a plaque: You left my life but will never leave my heart. A stone with paw prints: If love could have saved you, You would have lived forever. These items will go in Albert's Garden today.
Henry R Peeps and Oh My Guinness--a Happy Birthday card for Riley
Colleen P--coupons
Jatcat--plastic sleeves for signs and a Dell PC computer that Lynnette will now use and her original computer will go in the Mail Room. We now have 2 good computers for these needs!
Aunty Fi--a PayPal donation in memory of Meg

The Catopractor has been here again! He's worked on Intrepid three times now. Definitely walks sometimes in a straight line, sometimes in his circles, but is showing some improvement. This kitten was born to purr--such a happy boy. Camvie is still being syringe fed, but is now looking forward to her food! She's very slowly gaining a bit of weight. Merlyn is wonderful--is eating good and starting to coax Camvie into playing. Both are so tiny.

We took a new cat in last night. Poor fella was found in a yard. His name is Kukster (name by sponsor). He's 9 months old and is grey tiger and white. I have strong suspicions he was hit by a car. He has a bloody nose, very sore front legs and a severely fractured rear leg. As I was kneeling down in front of him thinking of how full we are, he reached up with his paw to my face. When I went lower to talk to him, he rubbed my face. Now, how in the world could you ever say no to that? Not a chance. So, he's in the new extended Thumper's Room. I'll call in tomorrow to see about surgery and x-rays. Kukster has gorgeous green eyes and knows how to use them! 

Remember the surprise I mentioned? Another hint--Friday you will know! Or maybe, just maybe on Thursday it may happen??

Basket #127, Nautical Basket #2

Basket #140, Keurig Coffee & Maker #2

Three of these!  Big Ticket ITems #203, #216 and #237  Chonicles of Zee & Zoey, autographed by author.