Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weds. April 25

I've heard from the GiveLitter program. We actually came in FIRST PLACE!! Isn't that just wonderful! Because of YOUR votes, we will receive 10,497 pounds! It's just so wonderful! Thank you for each and every vote you gave. You do make a huge difference to this Rescue Center! We will know very soon when the delivery date is.

I've also heard from the Traveling Paddy and his friend, TC. They are now in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada and will be there for a short visit. Their next stop is back at FFRC! Liz May, their caretaker in Dartmouth, says, "We'll all show Paddy & TC a great time". Liz May has 3 cats, Lenny (16 years), Emma (10 years), and Squiggy (10 years). We'll put together their entire trip and put it on a page on our website!

On Monday night, Jodi (volunteer) & Nuki (webcam viewer) had a fun night--they sang Happy Birthday to Hummer, dressed as Marilyn Monroes! They also opened a few boxes for me!
Skeetokins--3 packs of Lysol wipes & a package of Charmin TP
Lance54--brushes (for the cats) & a cool Sheriff badge for Putter. Putter asked me to put his badge in his "wardrobe box" that we keep for him! He loves his shiny badges!
Nuki-Slave--six beautiful bath rugs, all colors
Michelle L--books for all of us to share and read & a Pet Supply Plus gift card
Deb B from MN--a donation thru PayPal

You may know of our young, special friend, Hannah. Hannah loves cats, is home-bound but enjoys the world thru her computer. She also enjoys FFRC, Putter, the Paddys and really, ALL the cats! Her birthday is coming up--it's May 10th. I thought it would be fun to send Hannah some birthday cards! If you'd like to participate in this, feel free. If you'd like to, simply send the card here to FFRC, with Hannah's name on the outside of the envelope. We'll be sure to get everything sent to her for her birthday!

We have taken in 2 new kittens. They are brothers, but arrived 1 day apart. Yesterday evening, a friend was passing the Power Dam and saw a car parked there, a guy opened the door and placed a white cat out onto the stones. She turned her car around, went back, the guy dumping the cat left quickly. She got out, called kitty, kitty, and the cat came eagerly to her. Now, this morning, our volunteer who lives right beside the Dam, found a cat in their barn. We are sure that they are brothers. Both are white, both with a bit of a grey splotch on their forehead, both with a slight upper respiratory infection. And when they saw each other--noses touched and licks given! A joyful reunion! They are about 8 months old. The one with the bigger splotch of grey is Teller. The smaller grey splotch kitten is Penn. (Nuki named them for us!)

FYI--I'm feeling pretty good. Thanks for your cards and good wishes. I'm still playing low-key for a while yet. Resting a lot, enjoying this time with my house cats. But, I'll be back soon!

Here are some dates coming up:
April 27--Penn & Telller will go to be neutered (don't want to wait till 5/12 due to their age)
April 30--County, Magentta, Putter and Farrah go for their dentals/extractions
May 7--Filbert goes for his dental/eye surgery
May 12--Surgery day here at FFRC for all the kittens to be spayed/neutered. In the afternoon, the volunteers can bring in their cats/dogs for a check-up, vaccinations, tests, etc.

Also, June 24 is our 2nd annual catathon! We have been starting to put baskets together for this awesome event. I've been asked several times this same question: If a person would like to donate items for the Catathon (does not have to be cat related), WHEN should these items be here by? The answer is, by the first of June. Thank you so much for your support of this event!

Please keep voting for FFRC at The Animal Rescue Site. We are currently in first place and could possibly win $5,000 if we maintain this lead! So exciting! The voting ends June 15.
Grominique is a very special cat--loves people, kids, dogs and all the toys she can have!