Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thursday, Aug. 2

Happy August! Since it's now August, our planning for the Concert/Carnival/Catstock is in full gear. Porta pots, giant tent, stage, bleachers have been ordered! Carnival prizes will be arriving soon. I've talked again to Mike Chamberlin--he's our new friend from California that will be doing the concert. If you'd like to know more about Mike, check out his site at: Mark your calendar for September 21, Friday at 6:30 as Mike will be doing a special concert for the webcammers! He'll sing 3-4 songs. Then the carnival starts on September 22 at 2:00--lots of games, prizes, fun. A real family fun day. The Catstock concert starts at 5:30, and will be roughly an hour. Putter even has a lime-light appearance for a special song for him! We will broadcast this on ustream!

All is fine here. We have super rambunctious kittens here. Ginseng is leading the gang! He is as loving as he is ornery! Penn gave Avens a complete bath this morning. The small kittens have found that Canton, the new adult, will mother them and give them baths--so sweet. Sundance, the newest orangie, is a purr-machine. He's in constant turbo purr-mode. Cutie was napping yesterday with Frith and Afrafa. Asha is as sweet as always. She always gets her very own breakfast plate. When I show it to her, I just tell her to let me know where she wants it. She leads me to a different place every day, turns around and that's my que to put it down. Just love that!

The kittens made a break for it this morning. Last night when we got the cats and kittens in from their outdoor enclosure, the little cat door wasn't properly hooked. This morning, while still dark, those rascals got the door off and out they went, one after the other! Right now, Derecho is laying on a cat furniture base, about 3 inches from the kitty door going out to the enclosure. He's watching all the action out there. Maybe he'll attempt to go out?

We have a guest, Beth A/eaglewatcher here yesterday and today. She has been doing lots of "jobs" for us. She asked for a list of things to do, and we're supplying her that list! Thanks Beth. She also brought with her a Hoops/Yoyo card for the Paddys, treats for the volunteers, cat treats, chirping cat toys, canned & packets of cat food. We appreciate her help.

Bondi is doing awesome. I continue to be amazed at her. She now resides for the most part, in the Welcome Room Office. She is very content there and is friendly to our visitors. What a difference. She continues to gain weight. McLovin' is on the desk this morning--he's such a love. His lower lip looks beautiful due to the repair surgery on it. Bella is also doing great. She gets a weekly "bottom check" to make sure her "drag pads" on her bottom looks good and no sores are forming. The reconstructive surgery she had certainly was a good job by our vets.

We had BOXES last night. I am in awe of our webcam viewers. Your donations, boxes, packages, votes, encouraging words, clicks on the ads, etc.--these are all things that help this Rescue Center work as it does. FFRC and I are truly blessed by your support.

Helen D from WI--24 pack of Whiskas Tender Bites & Whiskas Purrfectly Chicken--for Badu and friends
Sally H/eaglespirit2011--Whiskas Purrfectly Chicken variety pack and Whiskas Tender Bites Variety pack
Lannml--3 containers of L-Lysine (we use this daily in the breakfast mix--to help keep the Herpes Virus in check)
Gitte--temptation treats for Emaline and 3 cases of Fancy Feast Appetizers for Cutie and friends.
Mrs. Pederson--2 knitted blankies and a bag full of booties
MarciaR from FL--box full of kitty blankets, afghans and a soft bed for the Covies, washcloths, 3 cases of Gravy Sensations, 3 giant bags of kitty treats, and a bag of Tide Pods
TA67 from UK--Stuffed kitty toy named Ickle, 8 cans of Webbox lick-e-lix (our oldsters love this!)
Elizabeth M/lizmo from MI--coupons birthday card for the Paddys
Defiance friend--Chief cash register tapes
cat0801--birthday card plus donation for Hank, Temptations treats
Henry R Peeps and Oh My Guinness--birthday card for the Paddys

Derecho hasn't made it out to the enclosure yet, but Bravo and Graciela have! Those little kittens are a big force together! What one does, so does the other. Derecho is a good friend to both of them.

Please remember to vote for FFRC at The Animal Rescue Site. We would sure love to win a weekly "top vote for the week" award. This is a possible win, if we get enough votes. Because we have won the Big Award last quarter, they will not list FFRC in the main group of winning organizations, which leaves us in the dark as to our standings. Although, we do know we are top in the state of Ohio. What we would love, is if we could win a weekly award, and then ALOL (A Labor of Love) could win the state.
Zavatar watching the bird feeder in the outdoor enclosure.