I want to let you know that my mom LOVED all the birthday cards. She will open a little stack daily. She is having so much fun with this and was amazed at all the places the cards came from! I believe she felt quite special. Thank you for helping her birthday be important. My sister Patti is home until Sunday. Big job interview today and tomorrow in Fort Wayne, In. Hoping she'll get this job so she'll be close to home (it's only 1 hour away). Sorry, just had to add my family info!
The cats are doing good. I'm so happy for Rory--he's getting braver every day bbut still likes Dodger's Pen to nap in. Little Angel Kisses now has TWO stuffed kitties in her pen--the heartbeat kitty and Lilly--she has snugged with both of them! Today, Angel Kisses gets a five minute "walk about" in a room, to stretch her legs a bit. She's a little shy girl, and so we've been talking to her alot and petting her. Izzy girl that arrived yesterday is beautiful. She will go into June's Room today so she has more people company. I was able to get her vet records and they are current.
I would like to say a special thanks to all the people who have donated thru PayPal. I have always thanked these people via e-mail, but feel it's important to start recognizing these donations on the Blog as well. There's a bit of a list for today, but after this, will post as the donation is given. These are the donations we've received this past month:
Selkie & Blue in Nova Scotia--for Angel Kisses & in honor of your mom's birthday
Janak2--for FiFi's eye surgery
Gitte from Denmark--for Fifi's and Angel Kisses' surgeries
Marie F from KY--donation
Gusti from Germany--for Angel Kisses and FiFi or x-rays that are needed for Jaina and Jacen
Steffer48--for Angel Kisses
PSW--for Angel Kisses
Cn/Carol N--for Angel Kisses
Cantoncat--for Angel Kisses
Keith C--donation
Marie F from KY--donation
Gusti from Germany--for the new storage room
Marcia S from MI--donation
Matthew P from England--donation
Janak2--donation for baby food for Bella and treats for the others
Susan A--in memory of Sesame
Mayumi T from Japan--a donation for medicines
Glynette M from CA--donation
Neil S from OH--donation
Susan F--in memory of Sesame
Cn/Carol N--in memory of Sesame
Lynn H--donation
Straycatlady--In memory of Sesame for the new storage room
Beverly M from WA--donation
Margaret M--for the new storage room
Eileen M--donation
Sonnykat--for the new storage room
Smudgie cat--for Fifi's vet bills
Mitty208--for the new storage room
Rob S from UK--donation
How lucky this Rescue Center is! Past and present, if we stop and think about all the people who have supported us by a word, a gift or moral support, we are indeed, very fortunate. You DO make a difference for this Rescue Center and I have a huge sense of gratitude to you all.
Please know I try very hard to give acknowledgments while still preserving privacy for the donor's full name.
We are starting to make plans for the 2nd annual Cat-A-Thon. It's unbelievable that it's time to start getting things organized for this huge event. It's 16 1/2 weeks from now!
Emaline's eye looks much better today. Zelda is in the process of tearing apart all feather toys--what fun she has! Telo has been teaching Jaina how to chase plastic rings. Bella's bottom looks wonderful--stump area is healthy looking. Derby loves to play in the grooming tub with any toy that makes noise. Life is good!
This is Sari in her new home! She's waiting for the squirrel to return.