Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, Marach 30

Wow! Thanks to YOUR votes, we won this achievement!
And the winner is:

Readers Choice Awards Winners: Cats Categories

The kitties are all doing great. The Purr5 group is absolutely cute! They're growing already, their ears are tilted up a bit today and talk about eating. Wow--their appetites are never ending. Purresa is eating good herself and is such a happy mama. She has a big job ahead of her, raising her babies.

The Wee3 and Fab4 groups are also doing good. They get out of their room 3-4 times a day to cruise about. It's so cute--when they're tired, they like to climb up on top of the tiger bed and fall asleep together. So sweet.

Our volunteers yesterday were: Donna (she had surgery and is back part time only), Laurie/felinetoyz, Stacey, Judy S, Peggy S, Pat, Lisa, Paul and Josh. Thanks!

We had BOXES last night!
Bantryhill from MA--items for either Kitty Kastle or the Catathon: purple cat trash can, a meowy Easter cat, kitty black/white salt & pepper shakes, cat ice cube trays, cat cookie cutters, a black/white cat scrub brush, Reese's Pieces and kitty measuring cups
Anonymous Club--lots of different treats for the volunteers! Teas, coffee, Crystal Light packs, a card with "Pizza Dough" for a volunteer pipzza party, 2 lbs of Truffles, olive garlic oil for Steve, and lots of different flavored pistachio nuts and a canvas bag from the Santa Barbara Pistachio Company that had dark chocolate with blueberry and pomegranate flavors
Javajoe96 & hellokittyconnie--BD card with Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (pack of 4) and pictures of their 2 cats, Hatchan & Bella
Missy MJJ, TemyKitty12 & Kristy-Marie--card colored by 4 yr old Kristy-Marie (rainbow kitty), and a cute Red Shoe Cat Playhouse
Belinda/Ddawn30 & Scott F--a BD card, coupon for apple cider and an ornament from Fancy Feast that can be engraved
PatL from Kansas--lots of coupons

We have a really neat opportunity from an organization that will happen for the month of April! Will give you all the details on 4/1!

Have heard from MIKE CHAMBERLIN, who will be doing our concert on September 22. All is a go! Very excited about this. Here is his website: I think you all will find him quite fun and entertaining.

I've heard from Izzy's owners again--all is fine. Rizzo, who was returned on Wednesday, is doing great--she fit right back in here at the Rescue Center. Such a beauty. Rory is showing signs that he really really wants to be back outside. Remember, he was an outdoor boy when he was brought here. Sometimes it's difficult to convince them that life indoors is the best. We're working on him! He's such a fun boy.
Grominque with her beautiful sleepy eyes.