Monday, April 23, 2012

Monday, April 23

All is well here at FFRC. I'm feeling pretty good from my surgery and I appreciate the kind thoughts coming my way. I still am playing "low key" this week, but have sat on the steps a few times to visit the cats and kittens. I'm still not doing BOXES yet and not many e-mails, but I'll be back asap! Zelda and Badu came and each gave me licks and purrs this morning!

I have been resting a lot and what a nice comfort to have all my inside cats with me. Frequently, I'll wake up to find 6-7 cats sleeping with me! Now, THAT'S what "taking it easy" means to me!

I wanted to let you know I've heard from the GiveLitter program director.
"We’ve had so many votes that we have reached our 100,000 pounds of litter maximum capacity- a whole week early! You should be so proud of your supporters! So, this GiveLitter round is now closed and I’ll be following up with you in regards to the total pounds your rescue will receive. We’ll then work on coordinating for a delivery date." Happy news--we have won some litter! More later as I find out what the "scoop" is!

We have a special visitor here at the Rescue Center. It's Nuki--one of our webcam friends. She arrived Saturday night and will stay for a couple more nights! She and the cats are enjoying each other. So nice to have her.

We also had a visitor yesterday--Gem and her mom. They brought 2 cases of Friskies, wild bird seed, and pop tabs for Kellen.
Ruth D from CO--paypal donation
Renee C--paypal donation
Linda T/icemaiden--paypal donation
Thanks ever so much for your support to FFRC.

Keep voting for us at The Animal Rescue Site! On 4/20, we were 3.28, today we are 3.38. Second place organization on 4/20 was 1.78 and they remain the same today. Let's keep our lead and win that $5,000. Thanks for your votes!

The kitties and cats are all doing great. The volunteers are doing an awesome job while I'm staying in the house and resting. What a comfort to me to know the volunteers are fully capable of taking care of everything.
Bodu, looking so cute!