Someone asked about Macallan. Yes, Macallan wasn't feeling so good a couple days ago. He had a bit of a sore throat. But, he's much better now. We have Jonah (Covie cat) in Thumper's Room since yesterday. He too has been rather punky and not eating. Jonah's birthday is 7/15/99, so he has a little age on him. Oh.....Judy S just told me that he ate a little of the Bondi-Licks! We will still give him fluids today. BOndi said she'll gladly share her Bondi-Licks.
We had an adoption on Sunday! Drake went to his new home. He went to a family that has adopted from us before. Drake is specifically for their son's birthday who loves cats. A very good home. We have also taken in a new cat. His name is Boing, a handsome grey/brown tiger and white. Boing is about 8 months old and a male. Today we have 3 of our cats at the vets for their physicals and surgeries. The 3 are Boing, Haylow and Sylvia.
We had BOXES last night! You all are wonderful for the support you give!
PJ--case of Fancy Feast Appetizers
Deb11111--case of Fancy Feast Appetizers
Faithy--case of Fancy Feast gravy lovers, case of Tiki food, 5 cat charmers, 5 bags of mylar balls, Frolic cat lazer light, 5 bags of spring toys and a 20 piece bag of toys
Marilyn S--For Gallant: 4 Yeoooow catnip bananas and 2 Yeoooow catnip rainbows. He LOVES catnip! He said he would share 1 or 2 of his toys.....maybe!
Arden & Charmaine--Case of Fancy Feast beef grilled
Nicki M--case of Fancy Feast Appetizers
Pat L from Kansas--coupons
Colin & Patricia M & Chico and Aria from Canada--Christmas card and a donation to be used where needed
Joanne H/Anniecat from KS--kitty card and a donation to be used where needed
Kitty Friend Autumn--case of juic boxes for Volunteers and a box of 2" Scotch tape
Mary H from Archbold (and visitor Saturday)--2 boxes of kitty wipes, 2 boxes of latex gloves, 2 reams of paper, 3 packages of laser paper, small foam plates, plastiac bags and 6 fleece kitty throws
Joan S--a donation thru PayPal for FFRC
Brenda C--donation thru PayPal for FFRC, in honor of the Pushtwins
Carl C from NM--a donation thru PayPal for FFRC
Neil and Jean S from OH--a donation thru PayPal for FFRC
Matt F from IL--a donation for FFRC thru PayPal
Gusti from Germany--a donation thru PayPal for Dove and Sevaun's birthday
This is such an awesome video, made by one of our webcam friends, Phil P. Check it out at: It's all about FFRC cats and "our FFRC song", Lean on Me. Thank you Phil for sharing this with us.
Vote, vote, vote!! We are still in #1 for State and Overall! Isn't that just wonderful?!! I'm thrilled and grateful. Please remember to vote daily at: If we can come in #1 position overall when it's over on 4/28, FFRC will receive a check for $10,000. Every vote is important to us. Thank you.
Joyful is coming along. She has a slight eye infection that we're working on--cleaning her eye 2-3 times daily. It's already looking much better. Gallant is awesome and is in the final stage of his healing. He's been here 4 weeks. The fur will take quite some time to grow back. We will see how much fur comes back. But, he's happy, healthy and playful!
Paddy Cakes says he'll trade you his toy for a vote!