Thursday, May 14, 2020

Thursday, May 14, 2020

What an awesome HumaneOhio day!  We are back on doing low cost spays/neuters and it feels very good!  We sent up 60---yes, a whopping record 60!  This broke down to 33 females and 27 males.  This includes 6 cats from FFRC. Our total now for 2020 is 356---197 females and 159 males
So we'r at 356.  Last year this time we were 478.  Our goal for 2020 is 100 more than 2019.  We are behind due to the close down from Coronavirus. We have some catching up to do!  Let's see if we can still pull this off!

Last night we took on 3 new kittens. The police called and said a person in a neighborhood witnessed someone tossing out these 3 kittens from the car.  They are very friendly and were soon caught and brought to FFRC last night. And then we sent them to HumaneOhio today!
Beulah--female, brown tiger with 4 white feet, wt is 2.11
Rezzy--male, gold tiger, ASH, wt is 3.02
Celeste--female, brown tiger, wt is 2.10
They are 11 weeks old with a birthday of 2/26/20.  Their names are from the Name a Cat list.

The other 3 cats sent to HumaneOhio today were Kimmie, Orion and Pepper.

Today is the official adoption date for Josette. She already had a home as of last week. She was spayed at HumaneOhio.  We let her go early due to her not being happy here with the other cats. Her home is she is the princess of the house.  Her spay is done and she will return to the home that she's had all week.

As you know, Perseus had a return visit to the vet's office on Tuesday for a splint to stabilize the 2 fractures in his rear right leg.  Dr. Darcy called me that afternoon and said they had the splint on (he had a sedative) and another x-ray was taken.  His leg was actually in better alignment without the splint so it was removed.  We will give him some time and see how things may heal.  Let's hope it is in good alignment to heal properly and not cause him pain as he grows.  TIme will tell.

We have thanks to give--we are so very grateful for your support.
 Pamela C--donation to FFRC
Gusti--donation for vet costs for Perseus
MCL Jewelry Designs--donation for FFRC
Frances C--donation to FFRC, a friend of Nona
Faith--donation to help with a spay or neuter
Denise & Elizabeth from SC--donation to FFRC, in memory of Cutie
Lynda D from NC--donation to help with medical expenses
Melissa K from OH--donation to FFRC
Kelly I--donation for FFRC
Leanne & Mike--donation to help with vet and med costs

Rascus the new brown tiger is an ornery little fella!  One of his favorite things to do is to climb up and jump down! He may be tiny but he is mighty. Thyme is doing a little bit better at being handled but has a ways to go,  Cobo is just one of the cutest little kittens. Won't be long until he will be going home.  Navara was trying her best to climb the Kuranda Towers--just a little too short yet on one end.  The kittens in the back Thumper's Room love the yellow banana bed--they can squeeze alot of kittens onto it!

We still have masks available!  We have sent out many hundreds of them!  If interested, can go ahead and send a paypal or a check.  If doing a check, be sure to email me to let me know your wishes!  We try to match up color preferences and design choices but not always possible.  But, truly ALL the masks are wonderful and terrifically made.  LJ has been very busy doing her wonders on her sewing machine.  We love to turn the masks for her and to cut and bend the wire and to cut the elastic but LJ is the pro at sewing.  And did you know it takes alot of talent to do the folding of the masks?  She's super good at it!  The cost for the masks is a free-will donation!  Just let me know! 

We will probably be letting Azreal be a Covie cat.  She absolutely loves being outside and spends many hours a day in Bella's Run, the dog area.  It's connected to the Thumper's Room.  She's a whiz at running thru the door to get to the back door and then will proceed to meow with a very determined voice----let me out!! When she is there, it's obvious she is peaceful.  I'm betting the Covies would welcome her as a good friend. I can imagine her running full out there in the grass!

Take care.  BOXES are tomorrow, Friday at noon!  We also have a Quickie Flash Sale at 11:30, right before BOXES.  The items for the Flash Sale---surprise bags! We have 12 surprise grab bags, valued at $60 but the asking price is $25.  Good luck!